From John Adams, who was recently named the "most performed living American Composer" to Ellen Taaffe Zwilich, the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Music, BMI composers cover the full spectrum of contemporary classical music… read more
The BMI Foundation held its 58th Annual BMI Student Composer Awards May 17 at the Jumeirah Essex House Hotel in New York, where eleven young classical composers were recognized with scholarship grants totaling $20,000 for their superior creative tale...
Student Composer Award Winners
The BMI Student Composer Awards is a competition for young composers of classical music. Founded in 1951, the competition has become one of the most coveted and prestigious awards for young composers in the Western Hemisphere. See all winners
Pulitzer Prize Winners
The Pulitzer Prize in Music is given for distinguished musical composition by an American in any of the larger forms including chamber, orchestral, choral, opera, song, dance, or other forms of musical theater, which has had its first performance in the United States during the year. As of 2008, 29 BMI composers have won the Pulitzer Prize in Music. See all winners
Academy of Arts & Letters
Election to the American Academy of Arts and Letters, an honor society of 50 composers, 100 architects and artists, and 100 writers, is considered the highest formal recognition of artistic merit in the United States. Members are elected for life and pay no dues. As vacancies occur, the Academicians nominate and elect new members. As of 2009, BMI is proud to represent 27 of the 46 composer members of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. See all
Presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman on Tuesday said he would be OK if New York adopted a gay marriage law. Huntsman, who on Tuesday formally declared for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination at a press conference held in New Jersey near the Statue of Liberty, has previously supported recognizing gay and lesbian couples with civil unions. When reporters on Tuesday asked the former Utah governor whether as president he would attempt to override a gay marriage law in New York with a constitutional amendment banning such marriages, the 51-year-old Republican replied, “I would respect the state's decision on that,” The Huffington Post reported. President Barack Obama appointed Huntsman, a Mormon, to Ambassador to China, a post he left in April. Huntsman's support for gay rights, in particular civil unions, puts him in the minority among the 9 declared candidates. While former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson also supports civil unions, and openly gay Fred Karger supports gay marriage, five candidates – Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich – support an amendment to the constitution that would ban gay marriage, former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain has said being gay is a “sin,” and Texas Rep. Ron Paul does not support government recognition of gay and lesbian unions.
Gay Ski Week NZ this year is happening from July 23 to 31 and comes with a hearty seal of approval from all of the Ski Camp boys who had an amazing week of fun (until they were evicted one by one!).
Stay tuned to Same Same this week to see how you can win your way to Gay Ski Week thanks to Air NZ just by watching Ski Camp.
reports on a recent incident involving a pilot for Dallas-based Southwest Airlines whose cockpit microphone became stuck on, allowing air traffic controllers and crews from other flights to hear an anti-gay, misogynistic, ageist rant about what the pilot considers a lack of flight attendants suitable for him to have sex with.
An air traffic controller repeatedly tries to interrupt the pilot and alert him that his microphone is on, but the pilot doesn’t notice. Much of the anti-gay language has been bleeped out in the audio posted on Channel 2′s website, but it’s not hard to fill in the blanks:
“Well, I had Tucson to Indy all four weeks and, uh, Chicago crews … 11 out of 12 … there’s 12 flight attendants, individual, never the same flight attendant twice,” the pilot says. “Eleven (expletive) over the top (expletive), (expletive) homosexuals and a granny. Eleven. I mean, think of the odds of that. I thought I was in Chicago, which was party-land. … After that, it was just a continuous stream of gays and grannies and grandes …”
After an inaudible comment by his co-pilot, presumably about gays, the pilot continues: “Well I don’t give a (expletive). I hate 100 percent of their (expletive). So, six months, I went to the bar three times. In six months, three times. … Once with the granny and the fag, and I wish I hadn’t gone.”
Channel 2 has a complete transcript as well as the audio.
According to Southwest Airlines, the pilot was suspended without pay for the incident, but the company declined to say for how long and added that Southwest considers it “a family matter.”
The FAA also issued a statement saying it “expects a higher level of professionalism from flight crews, regardless of the circumstances.”
Cece Cox, executive director of Resource Center Dallas, is quoted extensively in the story, and RCD reportedly will be issuing a follow-up statement about the incident Wednesday morning.
“This individual has made statements that are anti-woman, anti-age, and anti-gay in a way that can’t be disputed and they’re hateful and they’re damaging to the employees of Southwest Airlines as well as consumers of Southwest Airlines,” Cox told Channel 2. “I hope it’s an isolated incident. I hope they look and see what’s happening in their culture because clearly this incident shows that there’s something happening in this culture that allowed this person to make those kind of remarks and exhibit this kind of hostility, discrimination and hate.”
In case you’re wondering Southwest Airlines received a score of 95 out of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s 2011 Corporate Equality Index. According to HRC, the company conducts mandatory LGBT diversity training for all employees.
"I’m pretty much afraid of the comments I’ve read. Some are positive and most of them negative. Why would you want the pilot to be fired? There is the option of free speech; however, the mic was left on which is a total misnomer on the pilot’s fault, whether the button got stuck or not. He voiced his opinion about certain entities and will now feel the brunt of his mistake. Let Southwest take care of the problem; we can’t offer any cure for his mistake and certainly can’t offer an apology to those who’ve been offended….Southwest can, however, and I think they’ve done their duty within their own guidelines. There’s no reason to condemn the pilot for this mistake. It was totally unintentional and his conversation with his co-pilot was on a personal level. Yes, we all heard it but the fact remains it was intended to be between the two of them. It was a mistake, pure and simple. His being pardoned is not acceptable and Southwest knows this. They’re taking care of the problem with their own standards. Lets not get our undies in a bunch over this. It happens every single day in our lives where homophobes make dangerous and submitting gestures. His comments are totally stupid on his account but I consider the source. There are much more waryimg people out there who’d just love to catch a gay guy and beat the hell out of him. This I fear, but the pilots comments go into one ear and out the other. There’s no need to be upset about his homophobic attitude. He’ll come around soon enough and will ultimately be a supporter, in kind."
Activists, leaders, local personalities, and organizations gathered for "United in HIV: Taking Control Through Unity and Advocacy" June 14 at Sidetrack—a tweet-up in celebration and unity for HIV/AIDS outreach, research, and, above all, knowing one's status. The event was in recognition of National HIV Testing Day, June 27.
Produced and emceed by performer Cyon Flare, the event was a tribute to the Chicago Black Gay Men's Caucus ( CBGMC ) and Rae Lewis-Thornton for their HIV/AIDS-awareness initiatives among the Black and Black LGBT communities.
Chicago Department of Public Health ( CDPH ) Commissioner Bechara Choucair and members of his staff, including Assistant Commissioner for STD/ HIV/ AIDS Policy and Prevention Programs Christopher Brown, were at the event. Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez also stopped by after her own pride reception at the Center on Halsted.
Lewis-Thornton was diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1987 at age 23. She made the transition to AIDS in 1992. Since then, she has used her status and experience as an educational platform to advocate for HIV/AIDS testing and empower the LGBT Black community, in particular heterosexual women life herself. She has spoken at a number of institutions and universities, has been featured in publications, and has won the Chicago Emmy for "Living with AIDS," for Channel 2 in 1995. Lewis-Thornton, who was in the hospital hours before the event, was happy to be a part of the evening and said that even though the event was a step in the right direction, it's just the beginning.
"I hope that people will walk away from this event knowing that we are united, that we are one, and that HIV affects all of us. It can infect all of us and affects all of us. If we're really going to get a handle on this in the African-American community, then we will have to work together," said Lewis-Thornton.
CBGMC's Craig Johnson, who also works as a community health promoter at Rush University Medical Center, represented his organization at the event as a special guest speaker. Johnson sits on the policy and advisory committee for the CBGMC. He shared with guests the importance of getting tested for HIV, the commonality between gay Black men and Black women regarding HIV/AIDS, and breaking down the stigma of HIV/AIDS in the Black community. He worked with Flare and Lewis-Thornton on the event with a mission to bring together different groups of people that shared common ground on HIV/AIDS.
Read more story below....
"We wanted to create an opportunity to bring all the audiences together for an awareness event specifically about HIV/AIDS. National HIV Testing Day was such an opportune moment to host this event. There's about 12 awareness dates throughout the year that target different segments of the community. So, we wanted to use this event to bring everyone together and unite everyone for a common cause," said Johnson.
Flare worked closely with Lewis-Thornton, CBGMC, Sidetrack and other local organizations to organize United in HIV. Flare, who was diagnosed HIV-positive, said that the event was born out of a personal vision. He was "very humbled" by the dozens of people who attended the event.
"I wanted guests to see people supporting getting tested. I wanted guests to see people supporting people who are living with HIV and AIDS. One of the things I see in the Black community is that it's very difficult to even say the letters HIV, or even have an open dialogue about it. The goal of this event was to create a safe space to get tested and to talk about HIV/AIDS," said Flare.
Flare expressed how "overwhelmingly wowed and humbled" he was over the success of the event.
Art Johnston, co-owner of Sidetrack and co-founder of Equality Illinois, said it was important to host the event since HIV/AIDS is such a hot-button issue among the community.
"It was a pleasure for Sidetrack to host an event that touches so many parts of our community. We are seeing different people of our community that are coming together for this event in ways that don't happen enough. We are thrilled to be involved," said Johnston.
DJ Lora Branch spun top-40 music and classics, while Test Positive Aware Network ( TPAN ) , a community partner for the event, carried out HIV testing for guests and offered on-site special services and counseling to those testing positive. Guests were encouraged to tweet the event to their followers by using #UnitedInHIV. There was a $10 optional donation to benefit CBGMC and Rae Lewis Lewis-Thornton's HIV/AIDS efforts. More than 40 community partners sponsored the event including Center on Halsted, Equality Illinois, GO Pride Corporation, Windy City Media Group, Hydrate, 50 Faggots and a host of others.
"I think it's so important that people are aware and people take the proper steps to prevention," Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez told the crowd. "No matter what community you're from, we have to make sure we take care of our health and ourselves. We need to spread the awareness."
Both Flare and Lewis-Thornton plan to take what they learned from the past event and continue the getting tested tweet-ups in other markets.
The gay community's really worried about the attacks and tonight's not going to be the end of it. The Queer the Night Collective is also holding a public meeting next Thursday to talk about issues around homo and transphobia.
" The second annual Harvey Milk History Week was held from Monday, May 16 to Friday, May 2 to honor great moments in queer history and spread awareness about historical events that have affected the LBGT community. The event was hosted by UCI LBGT Resource Center and LBGT Staff/Faculty Network.
“The purpose of the week is to educate people on what queer history is and how it has affected the current LBGT people,” said Genice Sarcedo, program coordinator at the LBGT Resource Center. “The most common response we get from people is ‘Wow we never knew that,’ so I think showing people what their history is is important.”
The week coincides with the birthday of San Francisco gay activist Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California in 1977.
Last year, Harvey Milk History Week at UCI consisted of tabling on Ring Road with a history display. This year the program grew to also include two night events, including a live performance and documentary screening.
Performer Ian MacKinnon provided a comedic look at LBGT historical figures in a one-man show called “Gay Hist-ORGY” on Tuesday. MacKinnon humorously addressed, or “cruised” as he calls it, historical gay icons including Herman Melville, Walt Whitman and Plato. MacKinnon calls his historical journey “informative, fabulous and fun.” MacKinnon is an LA-based performance artist, who curates and performs gay-centered art.
The documentary “Times of Harvey Milk” was screened on Thursday, May 19. The film provides a chronicle of the career of Harvey Milk and a snapshot of the gay movement in the 1970s.
Sunday, May 22 was the state’s second annual Harvey Milk Day, on which Milk would have been age 81.
“Queer history is anything that impacts LBGT movement, whether it’s distinctly LBGT or not,” Sarcedo said.
In the coming weeks, the LBGT Resource Center will also hold its 16th annual End of the Year Banquet, recognizing achievements of LGBTQA students and allies. The event will include Lavender Graduation, where graduating seniors will receive a rainbow tassel.
Recently, President Obama officially declared June the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, and events are going on across the five boroughs all month. Today, a few hundred members of Staten Island's LGBT community came out for their march, culminating with a festival in Tompkinsville Park at 4 p.m. later this afternoon. And tomorrow, there is the 19th Annual Queens Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Parade and Festival taking place in Jackson Heights.
The Parade starts at noon on 37th Avenue from 85th Street to 75th Street in Jackson Heights; there will also be a multicultural festival concurrently from noon to 6 p.m. on 75th Street and 37th Road between 74th and 77th Streets. This year’s Grand Marshals will be Miss New York 2010, Claire Buffie, NYS State Senator Tony Avella, and SALGA (South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association). Chis Calvert, co-chairperson of Queens Pride, the festival organizing committee, said: "Queens Pride is thrilled by the President's proclamation and is pleased to host the kick-off for the month of Pride celebrations in New York City. Our parade offers LGBT organizations a real opportunity to draw awareness and visibility."
The second annual Harlem Pride event is coming up on on Saturday, June 25, in Marcus Garvey Park from noon to 6 p.m. The celebration includes a barbecue, bowling and a dance party, but it has been met with resistance (and confusion) in some corners of Harlem, including one pastor who said, "If children start to believe it is okay to be gay, they will think it's okay to be a pedophile or have sex with animals. It's a slippery slope."
MANILA, Philippines—Task Force Pride Philippines once again gathered the major events that will happen in Manila during the month-long celebration and events by different organizations and groups from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities. Part of the TFPP calendar includes the evening performances of Philippine Educational Theater Association’s hit comedy musical “Care Divas” on June 17-19, 8:00 p.m. at the PETA Theater Center.
“Care Divas” is a disarmingly funny and candid musical drama about five transgender overseas Filipino workers in Israel who work as care givers in the morning and come night fall, transform into glamorous drag queen performers. While desperate to make ends meet in another country, the ‘divas’ also struggle to search for freedom and acceptance.
Written by Liza Magtoto and directed by Maribel Legarda, this highly physical, visually exciting and wickedly funny play stars Melvin Lee, Vincent De Jesus, Phil Noble, Buddy Caramat, Dudz Teraña, Jason Barcial, Nor Domingo, Ron Alfonso, Eric dela Cruz, PETA President Cecilia Garrucho, guest performer Paul Holme, Ricci Chan, Jerald Napoles, Myke Salomon, Angeli Bayani, Miguel Hidalgo Gio Respall and Dominic Miclat-Janssen. The original music and lyrics are by Vince De Jesus.
Tickets are P600 for regular seats and P800 for VIP rows. PETA’s evening performances on June 17-19, 8:00 P.M. are sponsored by multi-awarded Filipino singer, actress and television host Sharon Cuneta.
For inquiries and ticket reservations, contact PETA Marketing and Public Relations Office at 7256244, 4100821-22 or 0917-5642433.
Written by Liza Magtoto and directed by Maribel Legarda, this highly physical, visually exciting and wickedly funny play stars Melvin Lee, Vincent De Jesus, Phil Noble, Buddy Caramat, Dudz Teraña, Jason Barcial, Nor Domingo, Ron Alfonso, Eric dela Cruz, PETA President Cecilia Garrucho, guest performer Paul Holme, Ricci Chan, Jerald Napoles, Myke Salomon, Angeli Bayani, Miguel Hidalgo Gio Respall and Dominic Miclat-Janssen. The original music and lyrics are by Vince De Jesus.
"If we are going to ensure a scientific, compassionate response to AIDS, we must be vigilant in preventing these irrational elements from gaining the upper hand in U.S. politics. One necessary lesson we must learn from the history of all such previous scapegoating movements, is that 'mainstream' politicians of both parties will not do this for us. In fact, their behavior is often directly responsible for enabling the rise of these irrationalist elements."
The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
It s always good news when the bigots lose Some of them have been assailing the federal judge who famously struck down California s ban on gay marriage Vaughn Walker chief judge of the U S District
Tommy Lee has started sucking men's toes, it has been claimed.The Motley Crue drummer - who has previously confessed he is so obsessed by feet he prowls shoe shops in the hope of catching a glimpse of womens' toes - shocked onlookers at Seattle's Feniz club when he abandoned a groupie's toes in favor of his male bandmates. A source told the National Enquirer magazine: "Tommy was sucking the feet of a buxom red-head while his band Supernova watched."But when lead singer Lucas Rossi pulled off his shoes and socks and asked for 'a good licking' Tommy ditched her and started tonguing Rossi's feet."He then sucked the feet of other band members while onlookers howled in disgust. Meanwhile, Tommy's ex-wife Pamela Anderson has denied the pair are back together.The pair sparked rumors they were rekindling their relationship after they were photographed kissing outside Santa Monica restaurant The Ivy earlier this month. But Pammie - who has two sons, ten-year-old Brandon and nine-year-old Dylan, with Tommy - has now quashed the speculation, saying: "My biggest concern has always been my boys - they are completely well adjusted, happy and thriving."Their dad has been in their lives in a productive but small way over the years. Like any other single mom I've tried to create a healthy example for my kids. That's why I realised early on that we are better off on our own right now, but I will work on my friendship, if nothing else, with their father who has admittedly made mistakes but adores us."
Completely improbable presidential candidate Herman Cain said he would hire a gay man or woman for his hypothetical cabinet, but remains firm in his prohibition of Muslims. Why? Because the gays, Republican Cain claims, won’t impose Shariah law.
Asked by ThinkProgress reporter Marie Diamond whether he would “be opposed” to appointing an “openly gay, qualified person” to his cabinet, Cain replied, “Nope, not at all. I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all.”
“I want them qualified, I want them to basically believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. So, yup, I don’t have a problem with appointing an openly gay person.” Cain then cackled, “Because they are not going to try to put Sharia law in our laws.”
Cain’s comment today, made at an Iowa conservative event, was an allusion to why Diamond asked the question in the first place: Cain last March said he would not appoint a Muslim to his inner circle because they may try to usurp American law.
“There’s this creeping attempt, there’s this attempt, to gradually ease Shariah Law, and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our government,” said Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza who started a radio show, became a wildly popular conservative darling and is well on his way to becoming this election’s best side show.
Cain’s supporters will point to the candidate’s gay preference as proof he has fair-minded roots. The candidate can now tout superficial gay tolerance. But tolerance and acceptance are far different emotions, and Cain remains far from recognizing LGBT people’s humanity: He still supports Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, loathes marriage equality and works hand-in-hand with the devotedly homophobic Family Research Council.
Basically, Cain hates gays, hates Muslims and double-hates gay Muslims.
But it’s all still hate, and Cain’s illusory gay good will is nothing short of loathsome. But more offensive than Cain playing nice with the gays, and even more odious than the fact that he pulled the Constitution into his vile swamp of bigotry, is his remark’s utter transparency.
People and governments hoping to gain or hold power have always pitted minority groups against one another to maintain the status quo. That’s precisely what South Africa’s apartheid government did between various black populations and Indian populations, and it was done with American slaves, with lighter skinned people often granted privileges darker skinned men and women weren’t afforded. The same thing happened during Brazil’s segregated past.
And blacks and LGBT people were erroneously portrayed as enemies as pollsters skewed data to make it seem African-Americans were responsible for the passage of Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California.
Cain’s comments on preferring gays to Muslims follows the same thought process, one that courses through so many Republican strategies: divide and conquer, no matter how much rubbish you have to spew.
A Catholic high school in Mississauga, Canada, took a strange tack in curtailing the activities of its "unofficial" gay-straight alliance: it banned rainbows from a student-run anti-homophobia event. The students got around the ban by baking cupcakes and dyeing them different colors to form a rainbow. They then sold the cupcakes and raised more than $200 for charity. But the school then informed them that they could not donate the money to any LGBT-related organization. Instead, they were told to donate to a Catholic homeless shelter.
The students, understandably, are outraged. And the whole episode is part of a peculiar effort for Catholic schools to navigate students' desire to support gay rights, despite the Vatican's stance on homosexuality. Students were not allowed to form gay-straight alliances, but they were permitted to form groups to combat homophobia or bullying. And they were allowed to have a booth against homophobia during the school's social justice week, but not to display a rainbow flag. This, school officials said, would "lead to activism." The students were also not permitted to display materials about trans health, sexual orientation and gender identity, or AIDS.
"We proposed a whole bunch of resources and only about four got approved, and the ones that were approved were censored," said Leanne Iskander, the founder of the unofficial GSA. "They wouldn’t let us have this one booklet because it had one or two sentences on safe sex."
"The Catholic board gave the students a carrot to try to silence them when they announced the anti-bullying clubs. But it’s not enough and it’s not meeting the needs of youth," explained one Canadian gay rights activist who has advised the students. "The students recognize that and they are fighting for what they want."
The students are planning to march in a Pride Parade, despite the fact that they are not allowed to mention the school's name. During the parade, they will give out buttons encouraging support for gay-straight alliances in Catholic schools.
"Marching in Pride is important to us because it will allow us to advocate for GSAs in Catholic Schools to a large audience," explained Iskander. "Handing out buttons will be an excellent way to spread the message that GSAs are needed in Catholic schools."
The spokesman for the school's board, Bruce Campbell, had some unconvincing excuses for the board's decisions. He said that the rainbow was banned, not because the board has anything against rainbows, but because an "in-house logo" had already been designed. For a later event, he said that putting up a rainbow flag "certainly wouldn’t be outside the realm that is something acceptable to ask." Although who knows what kind of event outside his control - like the "logo" - would stand in the way when that day rolled around. It's inspiring to see students like Iskander fighting for the right to advocate for social justice in their schools, even when they're up against an institution as powerful and complex as the Catholic Church. But, as Anna North points out on Jezebel, all of these actions are making Iskaner's school look pretty desperate. After all, as she writes, "When you have to start banning rainbows to keep kids from speaking up for what they believe in, it might be time to just listen."
Rapper Game Tweets “I’m Gay as Hell” – Account was Hacked
Your Black World reports. Maybe the rapper Game needs to learn a little bit about cyber security. The artist was the recent victim of a hack on his Twitter account, where the person then went hard against other rappers like Lil Wayne and also said things that Game might not want others to hear him say.“im gay as hell,”“I like boys.”The hacker then went on to diss other artists, including Ja Rule, Lil Wayne and Dr. Dre.“F*ck @liltunechi @50cent @therealdjkhaled @lloydbanks @bowwow & yo mama wile im at it,”
YBW’s Stephanie Humphrey talks about the high use of Twitter among African Americans. Blacks make up 25% of all Twitter users, primarily due to the use of the program among artists like Game.